Welcome to 'Songs of Mind and Spirit'.
This web site will give you access to songs that are intended to get you thinking, get you praying and - of course! - get you singing. Some of the songs have new words to familiar tunes, some have traditional words used in new ways, most are completely new. They are all offered as a resource for churches, schools and any other setting where people want to sing out about their faith and the spiritual journey.
The site is a work in progress and will continue to be so for a while. The aim is to have for each song a downloadable document of the words and a simple music score giving the melody line and chord sequence. Each song will also have its own sound file - definitely just a demo, but enough to give you a clue about whether the song is for you. (Some will be replaced with new improved recordings in the course of time!) Very warm thanks to Chris Raspin for his generosity and art in devising the musical accompaniments, along with his patience and skill in helping to record each song.
All the original song words and music here can be copied for public use and permission is given so long as copyright is clearly acknowledged. Please let me know if you wish to reproduce the songs in a magazine or web site.
Latest addition April 7th 2013
'Come run with me' - also known as 'The Lord is risen!' - a song for Easter Day. 'Come run with me' wa sung at All Saints, Allesley, Coventry and on now on Youtube for you to see:
Video of 'Come run with me' on Youtube
Words and music for 'Come run with me'
More songs will be added as time goes by, so watch this space!
If you want to find out more, you can email me at linda.currin@songsofmindandspirit.org.uk or use the contact page form.