Trinity song



1. Lord of all simplicity,

Calm within complexity,

Deeper than the mind can see,

Truth revealed in mystery.


A harmony, a unity

One whole and holy Trinity

The Loved, the Lover and the Love,

The Cross, the Crown, the Holy Dove.


2. Lion and Lamb and gentle Might

Giver, Given, Gift of light,

Timeless Lord of day and night,

Stillness teeming rich with life.




And all around – your glory

The complex in the whole

Our human life – the story

Of body, mind and soul.

The rainbow in the white light,

The sounds that form the word,

The tune that shapes the music

The notes that lift the chord.


3. Christ, Creator, Comforter!

Friend, Forgiver, Flame of fire!

Living Gladness, Glory, Grace!

Justice, Joy and Gentleness!







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Word document for Trinity